Three Examples of Qualitative vs Quantitative Marketing
Any marketer will tell you, all marketing is purely a numbers game. You can either try to increase the quantity of your outreach or the quality. We’ve opted for the latter here. Again, just a small amount of increased theoretical consideration is enough to increase the quality of your output as opposed to paying more money in order to increase quantity. It’s the eternal battle of time vs money.
The Phenomenology of Advertising
Even a pedestrian understanding of Hegelian philosophy gives one immediate access to a higher level of generalistic knowledge. For those working in creative fields and for those who consume the output of creative fields alike, that is an asset that cannot be overstated. Only a more holistic philosophical framework for weighing the deluge of ideology hefted at us every minute of every day can break one from the confines of the common view which sees every thing, idea, and person we encounter as fully formed, static, and rigidly defined as opposed to a momentary and blurry capture of a greater, continuous process.
If I were really trying to sell a computational device to artists, I wouldn’t be headlining its thinness. My 2018 iPad Pro is plenty thin and I have no ambitions to replace it anytime soon. If I wanted to advertise iPads to artists, I would want to show how they make you better at using the creative objects you love. You + iPad = More of what you love, not less. You could write around the “less is more” cliche, but what might be better is showing the artistic process of trying and failing over and over again.