Why Your Customers Don’t Want What You’re Selling (And How to Fix It)
Marketing Casey Franco Marketing Casey Franco

Why Your Customers Don’t Want What You’re Selling (And How to Fix It)

People don’t buy products. They buy permission slips to become a slightly shinier version of themselves.

Marketing isn’t about filling gaps, it’s about widening them.

The best campaigns don’t sell solutions. They sell beautiful, aching questions:
Who could you be?
What are you missing?
How much longer will you settle?

So here’s my challenge to you: Stop trying to satisfy your customers. Start haunting them.

Ethically, of course.

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The Phenomenology of Advertising
Marketing, Philosophy Casey Franco Marketing, Philosophy Casey Franco

The Phenomenology of Advertising

Even a pedestrian understanding of Hegelian philosophy gives one immediate access to a higher level of generalistic knowledge. For those working in creative fields and for those who consume the output of creative fields alike, that is an asset that cannot be overstated. Only a more holistic philosophical framework for weighing the deluge of ideology hefted at us every minute of every day can break one from the confines of the common view which sees every thing, idea, and person we encounter as fully formed, static, and rigidly defined as opposed to a momentary and blurry capture of a greater, continuous process.

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What Programmers and Creatives Can Learn From Each Other
Data Analysis, Production, Philosophy Casey Franco Data Analysis, Production, Philosophy Casey Franco

What Programmers and Creatives Can Learn From Each Other

Coding can be easily dismissed by creatives as non-creative, but one only thinks that way if one has never really tried programming. When you find an elegant and simple solution to a difficult logical problem in a coding language, it is a feeling of such sublime bliss, that it rivals the feeling one gets from a eureka moment when creating art… If you make a mistake or if life throws you an error, smile! You just learned something. If you’re clever, you’ll build new ways of handling that situation in the future. That is how bugs become features.

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